Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

(Blog 0004 AndrewHadden.org)



The document which follows is the result of years of work and study and of pain and anguish beyond the imagination of most of the people that should read it.  We have lived in obscurity that God called “hiddenness” to know, and prepare to reveal, the truth of these matters.  We have seen people murdered in front of us to try to keep us from ever revealing these secrets.  We are not “conspiracy theorists” and anyone that calls us that is probably presenting the best evidence that they are involved in what we are exposing.  We are eyewitnesses reporting crimes, heinous crimes, carried out in secret all over the world, including and especially in our own nation.  Part of what we do is report the testimony of other eyewitnesses, but we have seen enough ourselves to report the truth of these matters and face down, in court, and in the court of public opinion, ANYBODY that calls this “conspiracy theory” and tries to get you to dismiss this as “conspiracy theory.”  God will defend the exposure of this truth with judgment.  Be warned.       







Ritual Abuse and Mind Control:

History and Background


The purpose of this document is to awaken the Church to the reality of ritual abuse and mind control, the mechanism that allows such abuse to be concealed over time, even from those being victimized, and even from some perpetrators.  By having some background in the psychological and spiritual complexities of ritual abuse and mind control, the Church can be more accepting of the testimony of its victims, and better able to protect, deliver, and heal the flock of God.  There is also a prophetic warning involved in exposing this, because God is indicating this is a major device of Satan in advancing his plans against the Church and its ministers and their families.   


Ritual abuse and mind control have a long history.  Satan began from the Garden of Eden to try to deceive and control men and women in order to subvert the authority given by God to men to rule the Earth.  He used deception in the Garden to lure men into sin seeking secret knowledge that was promised to make them powerful and wise like God.  Satan has used the same appeal throughout history.  In society after society and religion after religion, Satan lured men into deeper and deeper sin in the search for secret knowledge and power and benefits.  Below is a brief survey of the history and background of ritual abuse and mind control. By mind control we mean methods of controlling others even without their willing participation or conscious knowledge.  Mind control is held by experts to be the foundation of ritual abuse, the key method for the subjugation and silencing of its victims.  At the end is a short summary and conclusion for those without time to read the details below. 


Biblical History:


The Bible makes a number of references to those that worshiped pagan gods and sacrificed their children to them (Jeremiah 19:4-5, Jeremiah 32:35, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Ezekiel 16:20-21).  The Bible clearly indicates, in the Old Testament and the New Testament, that those that worshiped idols, really worshiped demons (Leviticus. 17:7, 2 Chronicles 11:14-15, 1 Corinthians 10:20-22).  Part of that worship included sexual perversity and orgies.  What lured the Israelites into worshiping idols was not the worship of a stone idol, but the pull of demonic gods into sexual orgies taking place in the groves and on the high places at night.  Leviticus 20:2-5 warned against child sacrifice and Jeremiah 32:35, 2 Kings 23:10, and Jeremiah 23:39 indict the Israelites for doing it.  People in biblical times lived double lives, sacrificing their children to demonic gods at night and coming into God’s temple as well.  Ezekiel 23:39 says, “For after they had slain their children for their idols, on the same day they came into My sanctuary to profane it; and indeed thus they have done in the midst of My house” (NKJV).  This shows that it is not inconceivable that people could do the same today.  Child sacrifice for occult power to get benefits is not far from the child sacrifice of abortion to avoid the cost and inconvenience of raising a child.  Human nature has not changed.   


All through the Old Testament, we see that kings and others consulted magicians, soothsayers, witches, astrologers, diviners, sorcerers, or Chaldeans (who were synonymous with occult arts, see Daniel 2).  Occult practitioners were around leaders in the New Testament as well (see Acts 13).  Paul makes many references to a hierarchy of demonic powers (including Ephesians 1:20-21 and Ephesians 6:12) but uses parallel lists and terms to do with government hierarchies (Titus 2:15 and 3:1).  In Colossians 1:16 he makes the hierarchy list apply to both visible and invisible things, presumably both spiritual and government powers.  The demonic powers and earthly powers tended to go together because demonic powers ruled through the people that inquired of and served them as they ruled.   


In the New Testament, the church at Corinth had to deal with a temple that provided temple prostitutes as part of pagan worship.  In the Book of acts, Elymas the sorcerer (also called Bar-jesus) is called a child of the devil and a false prophet and was judged and struck blind at the word of Paul for trying to prevent the gospel from being spread to a leader (Acts 13:6-12).  In Acts 8, it mentions a man named Simon, who “used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:  To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest . . .” (Acts 8:9-10).  Paul asked the Galatians who had “bewitched” or “enchanted” them.  The people were familiar with such capabilities.  We in Western civilization tend to not see the many references in the Bible to spiritual entities affecting people and societies because we have a worldview that does not readily accept the ability of the spiritual world to affect the physical world.  However, Jesus dealt with many deliverances that brought physical healing and a right mind.


In the book of Revelation, we are warned of the prevalence of both sexual sin and of sorcery, in that reference is made to people not giving up devil worship and fornication and sorcery, even in the face of many judgments (Revelation 9:20-21).  In Revelation 18, “Babylon” is judged and it is said, “for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived” (Rev 18:23).  Judgment of “sorcerers” is also noted in Revelation 21:8 and 22:15.  I know, from someone saved out of the occult, and particularly sorcery, that sorcery is an occult method of controlling others used by occult practitioners to get what they want from others.


Early European & American History:


Occult religions practicing ritual human sacrifice circled the globe until the spread of Christianity and western civilization eventually substantially eliminated it from most of the world. The Canaanites, Scandinavians, some Europeans, Druids, Mayans, Pacific Islanders, and many more practiced human sacrifice.  The Romans banned the Druids, the priestly class of the Celts, because they practiced human sacrifice.  The Celts once covered much of Europe and beyond.


Occult groups took their worship underground as Christianity spread and public opinion and laws forbade it. The Romans forced conversions of European pagans to Christianity, but historians are rightly skeptical of the conversions genuineness.  The Knights Templar, who once defended people making pilgrimages to the Holy Land in the Middle Ages, became occult and sexually perverse, as well as wealthy international financiers, and were eventually banned by the Pope. (Some today claim the charges were false, motivated by a French King’s indebtedness, but clear archeological evidence of their sexual perversity has been found).  Many, many researchers, in carefully footnoted research works, say they went underground and eventually infiltrated the Freemasons trade guild to have a front organization.  Freemasons did the most difficult stone mason work in the Middle Ages, with what was called “free” stone, primarily for kings and the Church.  However, as the guild lost some of its power and influence, they provided for memberships that did not require work in the guild. 


Medieval banking families of Europe held much sway over kings and nations and, as revolutions deposed kings, they used their control of financing and their covert communications network to manipulate governments and nations.  They eventually formalized their goals by creating a front group in 1776 called the Illuminati, with goals of influencing and controlling nations. Many say the Illuminati and the Freemasons became allied.  The Illuminati were recognized as subversive in Europe and were banned and went underground.  The Illuminati were also known to be an occult organization.  The Freemasons continued and flourished and spread to America. 


The great evangelist of the Second Great Awakening in America, Charles Finney, had been a Mason and wrote exposing their organization as subversive and inconsistent with the Christian life, given the content of their secret vows. The Mason’s vows of loyalty to Masonic leaders above the law, except in matters of murder or treason, were documented by Finney and he noted that, at the highest levels, even those exceptions are not permitted—absolute loyalty was required.  A large political movement against the Masons, for these reasons, was formed in the 1820’s and became the first major third political party in America.  Many have documented what they identify as the sacrilegious and blasphemous nature of some of the vows and rituals at the higher levels of the Masonic hierarchy.  Deliverance ministers’ writings frequently note finding the Mason’s former members demonized and their descendants oppressed by demons for several generations.  Some have published written prayers for those with involvement in the Masons to renounce the specific vows that gave invitation to demons, and the self curses invoked, so that they can find freedom from bondage and oppression.      


Other secret front organizations were started, such as the Skull and Bones society.  The various underground and front organizations created a structure for wealthy banking families, and those with a long history of occult and political involvement, to advance their goals of controlling nations behind the scenes.  Knowledgeable researchers and defectors from these organizations, say that those with these goals have adherents in positions of power and influence in the governments of many nations.  They have a goal of an eventual one-world government that they can control, typically referred to as the New World Order.  They fully expect to rule once they can bring about a crisis that allows them to take power.  Their plans align with at least some of the biblical descriptions of how the antichrist comes to power. 


Some would dismiss any exposure of these things as “conspiracy theory,” but there is nothing stated here that is based on “theory.”  It is based on research made to academic or professional standards, documentation from the perpetrators, archeological or other physical evidence, and the testimony of witnesses—people who were either involved from the inside of these organizations, or as victims who witnessed first hand their occult and illegal activities.  If we are to dismiss the testimony of witnesses as “theory” then the existence of Christ, His miracles, and the resurrection would also be dismissed, for it is by the testimony of witnesses we believe most Biblical history.  Furthermore, it is by the testimony of witnesses we convict murderers every day.  Many deliverance ministers have helped those getting free of the demonic bondage brought on by participation in, or victimization by, such groups.  It has been noted that the existence of the Mafia—organized crime families—was once generally disbelieved, but based on the testimony of witnesses, perpetrators and victims, it is now universally accepted.  The government did need to take steps to protect witnesses to help expose the Mafia, but no such steps have been taken to help expose occult groups practicing ritual abuse and mind control—and they are every bit as willing to murder any witnesses against them.      


World War II, the Nazis, and the Cold War:


During World War II, Hitler and the Nazi’s gathered a lot of psychiatrists and occult practitioners.  Hitler had a very recognized interest in the occult.  One Illuminati defector has stated that, “Hitler and his people . . . were top Illuminists” (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/illuminati/svali2_14.htm, accessed 3/28/2018). Under Hitler, psychological methods of controlling people and occult methods got mixed.  The evil medical practitioners of the third Reich did unconscionable experiments no one had ever done before, with an eye toward any evil they could accomplish, and they learned things useful to intelligence and secret police agencies. 


After the war, the CIA did not want that knowledge falling into the hands of the Soviets, so they tried to get approval to bring the experts of the Nazis to the US.  The President approved bringing some, but denied bringing those with deep involvement with the Nazis.  The CIA deliberately brought over even some of the most evil, but lied about their involvement with the Nazis to get them into the country.  They paper clipped new background sheets to the papers of people they wanted, even if they had done a lot of evil Nazi experiments.  The operation was thus called, “Operation Paperclip.”  A Princeton scholar has recently written an extremely well documented and footnoted book on this program, Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America (2014, Little, Brown and Company, New York).  However it is well documented elsewhere as well.  The Princeton scholar begins her book with this quote: 


This is a book about Nazi scientists and American government secrets.  It is about how dark truths can be hidden from the public by U.S. officials in the name of national security, and it is about the unpredictable, often fortuitous, circumstances through which truths get revealed.


Operation Paperclip was a postwar U.S. intelligence program that brought German scientists to America under secret military contracts.  The program had a benign public face and a classified body of secrets and lies.  “I’m mad about technology,” Adolph Hitler told his inner circle at a dinner party in 1942, and in the aftermath of the German surrender more than 1600 of Hitler’s technologists would become America’s own.  (From the Prologue, page ix). 


Some of these experts had tortured adults and children in experiments in the Jewish internment or death camps.  The CIA, already having been infiltrated by occult people, per the testimony of some, then added many Nazi experts in torture and psychological manipulation as paid consultants or employees.  


Then the Soviets had public trials, done for propaganda purposes.  In the show trials, it was evident that they had gotten people, including a Roman Catholic official, to convincingly confess to things that the U.S. knew they had not done.  The U.S. intelligence community became concerned the Soviets had psychological warfare powers and techniques they did not have.


Additionally, the Korean War came along and some U.S. troops were captured and then displayed for the media as condemning the U.S. and not even wanting to go home.  From this, the term, “brainwashing,” became famous, based on the Chinese or North Korean term for the techniques used on our troops. 


In the fervor and fear of the Cold War, the US scrambled to study the abilities of their enemies in psychological techniques and match them.  They knew they were behind and, in their fear, they approved a massive effort.  That effort went by several names over time, including ARTICHOKE and Bluebird.  The author of Project Paperclip notes that there was a black site in Europe called Camp King, originally run by the Nazi’s, where, by 1948: “ . . . the CIA first began developing ‘extreme interrogation’ techniques and ‘behavior modification programs’ under the code names Operation Bluebird and Operation Artichoke.  The unorthodox methods the CIA and partner agencies explored included hypnosis, electric shock, chemicals, and illegal street drugs.”  She identified the agencies involved as:  “Army intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, Naval Intelligence, and the CIA.”  (Page 318).  She also stated, “Soon the program would expand to include mind control techniques and Nazi doctors recruited under Operation Paperclip.”  (Page 321).  


The most famous project name used later was MK-ULTRA or MKULTRA.  The “ultra” had to do with the fact that it had the highest level of secrecy.  MKULTRA became a high-level umbrella for many subprojects.  In the fifties and sixties (and some say it continued beyond that) they did many unethical experiments.  Much of it was done through CIA front companies and their consultants and contractors, who managed to remain secret, even with the support of the judge who became a chief justice of the Supreme Court. In this time, historical documents prove the government did experiments on children, even giving them radioactive cereal. They did radiation experiments on pregnant women.  They dosed people with LSD and observed them—all without informed consent.  They broke a lot of laws and accepted rules.  Accordingly, they chose to keep few records and then an outgoing CIA director ordered the records kept destroyed.  However, they missed some records that were later released under the freedom of information act to a journalist.  Some of the research was also funded by the Scottish Rite Freemasons (one branch of the Masons in the U.S.), and presumably they would have been privy to the research results.


In December 1974, The New York Times reported that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on US citizens, during the 1960’s.  President Gerald Ford responded by setting up the United States President’s Commission on CIA activities within the United States, headed by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller.  The Commission was often referred to as the Rockefeller Commission thereafter. These investigations exposed the MK-ULTRA projects and the predecessor projects.  In 1975, details about the very public suicide or suspicious death of a researcher in these projects, Frank Olson, who was unknowingly dosed with LSD, hit the papers.  The family accepted an out-of-court settlement of $750,000 but allegations that the CIA had murdered the researcher, when he sought to leave the program, were raised.  The U.S. Senate held a larger investigation beginning in January of 1975, which is generally called the Church Committee, after the leader, Senator Frank Church. The Church Committee investigated the using of covert action to disrupt and discredit domestic groups.  Whole books have been written on these things.  A former State Department official who used to sit in on briefings, at the CIA, of information going to the President, wrote an exposé published by a major publisher.  An eminent clinical psychiatrist wrote a book exposing the unethical research of psychiatrists working for the CIA and its cover organizations funding research.  Patients of the head of the American Psychiatric Association sued over incredibly damaging brainwashing / mind control experiments conducted on them for a government front organization and won damages.  The Canadian government was also implicated.


What were they trying to accomplish?  It has been called “The Manchurian Candidate,” after a famous novel by Richard Codon, which has twice been made into a movie.  In the novel, some troops were captured and brainwashed and one of them was used years later to try to assassinate an official.  In the book, the assassin is programmed by brainwashing and activated by a secret signal, after which he obeys his orders and remembers nothing.  The techniques used are generally called “mind control.”  The State Department official’s book, detailing the secret studies, was called, “The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences.”  In the former State Department official’s book, the author details a lot of what went on and can’t be successfully denied due to records available and published, but seems to use general quotes about lack of results and apply it to mind control specifically. It appears to be an attempt to admit what can’t be denied but gloss over the truth about what was accomplished in the way of achieving mind control. This is because it is a national security concern to keep mind control capabilities from gaining publicity because they are the foundation of much modern spy craft and covert action.  Achieving CIA cooperation in research and clearance to publish may have been difficult, if not impossible, if the details of success in mind control experiments had been exposed. Dr. Colin A. Ross, the psychiatrist mentioned above, wrote a book exposing mind control experimentation and related ethical violations called, “The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists.”   


To assist with assessing his credentials and credibility, here is Dr. Colin Ross’ biography taken from Amazon.com: 


Colin A. Ross, M.D. received his degree from the University of Alberta in 1981 and completed his psychiatry training at the University of Manitoba in 1985. Dr. Ross is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, author and lecturer in the field of traumatic stress and trauma related disorders. He is the founder and President of The Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma. Besides his work at Timberlawn Hospital in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Ross consults to Trauma Programs at Forest View Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Del Amo Hospital in Torrance California. He has authored over 140 professional papers and 23 books. He has reviewed for numerous professional journals and is a member of the American Psychiatric Association and is a Past President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. In addition, Dr. Ross has served as expert witness in over 50 court cases, consulted on several cable, movie and video productions and has produced six educational DVD's and CD's for mental health professionals on the treatment of trauma based disorders. (From http://www.amazon.com/Colin-A.-Ross/e/B001HCV7VQ/ref=sr_tc_ep?qid=1332629491, accessed 03/24/2012)


Here is a summary of Dr. Colin Ross’ book taken from Amazon.com: 


In "The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists," Dr. Ross provides proof, based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the C.I.A. through the Freedom of Information Act, that there have been pervasive, systematic violations of human rights by American psychiatrists over the last 65 years. As well, he proves that the Manchurian Candidate "super spy" is fact, not fiction. He describes the experiments conducted by psychiatrists to create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and new memories in the minds of experimental subjects.


A ten-page summary of the book, under the original title, Bluebird, after the original title of the project in the intelligence agencies, is available here:  http://www.wanttoknow.info/bluebird10pg.


These things are not common knowledge because the government intelligence agencies, the world over, do not want the general public to know that these capabilities exist, because they are the foundational techniques for secret spying activities and covert actions.  With respect to intelligence agencies creating mind-controlled agents, let me provide a couple more quotes, this time from a History Channel documentary obtained from a public library, “Histories Mysteries: Mind Control, America's Secret War” (Catalog number AAE-73738, Dated 2000).  In this, Dr. Colin Ross is quoted as an expert and says, "This is way out of the realm of fiction or supposition or conspiracy theory or speculation.  This is absolute documented fact."  With regard to the intelligence services of various nations trying to use hypnosis and other mind control techniques, Dr. Ross stated, "There is this kind of diabolical interest in doing experiments on human beings and having that power and control over them."  He also stated, "Through hypnosis, mind control, brain washing, you create a new identity in a person.  You create an amnesia barrier between their ordinary identity and the new identity or alter personality.  The newly created identity can be used for actual operations.  That is explosives, infiltration, surveillance."


Another expert quoted in the documentary, Alan W. Scheflin, a Professor at Santa Clara University, then stated, "If the person is captured and tortured, since they don't know that they have this other part of themselves, they will never reveal the information and they'll go to their death not knowing what's going on."  He also stated, "The secret of mind control is to change people outside of their awareness so they do your bidding without realizing that is what they are doing.  For that kind of technology, you need sophisticated principles either of brain control or mind control."


An international survey that exposed government-sponsored, torture-based mind control experimentation was conducted by two Ph.D. psychologists and others and reported to a government investigative committee.  It gathered data from psychological professionals and patients/victims.  Its results are available on www.endritualabuse.org.  The study identified many commonalities in the reports of victims of extreme abuse during unscrupulous research on mind control on unwitting subjects across a number of nations, including the U.S.  Various tortures and abuses were used including electric shock, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, psychic driving (taped messages played repeatedly), near drowning caused by perpetrators, witnessing the abuse of others, and being forced to harm others.  A number of more occult abuse techniques were also reported including sexual abuse, bestiality, being buried alive, use of feces in abuse, etc.  Many reported being threatened with death if they ever told of the abuse.  The commonalities of reports would seem to indicate a particular protocol or methodology was being followed in a number of places.  


To keep this brief, I will limit the proofs of the reality of mind control.  I have done considerable study on the topic from reputable sources. Occult groups use demons and witchcraft/spells to a greater degree, in addition to the psychological techniques that facilitate control and keeping activities secret.  I hope the above establishes that cults, or spy agencies, are quite capable of controlling people to do things without their having any conscious knowledge. 


How did I come to understand all this?  It started when a social worker, who testifies in court as an expert witness on ritual abuse, helped us with things we did not understand, when I first dealt with someone having suppressed memories of ritual abuse come to conscious awareness.  The social worker provided books from her personal library, which I read and summarized for others involved.  I obeyed God and read all of the books, including a book on principles of treatment of satanic ritual abuse written by the clinical psychiatrist who is probably the leading expert in the field, Dr. Colin A. Ross.  Dr. Ross’ credentials are mentioned above.  Dr. Ross’ book clearly dealt with dissociative amnesia—that people suppress traumatic memories and have no conscious awareness that anything happened.  He also explained dissociated identities, formerly called multiple personalities, and that people store memories from cult involvement in “alter” personalities or identities.  Dr. Ross shows that cult leaders specifically create some of these identities in their traumatized and tortured victims in order to control them and get them to participate in the cult’s evil activities without their conscious, day-time, personalities ever knowing they are involved in any cult activities.  


As bizarre and unlikely as it seems, a defector and psychological trainer from one of these cults states that: “The dissociation that drives the Illuminists is their greatest cover for being undetected at this time.  Many, if not most, of these people are completely unaware of the great evil that they are involved in, during the night.”  She also notes that, “If you met them in person, you would probably instantly like any of these intelligent, verbal, likeable, even charismatic people. This is their greatest cover, since we often expect great evil to ‘appear’ evil, led by media portrayals of evil as causing changes in the face and demeanor of people, or marking them like the biblical Cain. None of the Illuminists that I have known, had unkind, or evil appearing, persona in their daytime lives . . ..”  (From Breaking the Chain, Chapter 3, by Svali.)  


The social worker who testifies as an expert witness also provided a book on “mind control.”  This was in answer to our questions on how a cult could possibly get a person to suppress memories of continued abuse over years of time—or even get a person to cooperate with cult activities, activities totally contrary to their nature, and not know they had done it.  I did not want to read the book on mind control but God insisted I read it.  Mind control entails many different methods of controlling another person.


One of the techniques mentioned was hypnosis.  It is commonly believed that a person under hypnosis will not do anything they would not normally do.  That evidently is a deliberate lie spread to avoid public concern.  In that book on mind control, I remember a very dramatic quote of a government expert, named Dr. George Estabrooks, saying that he could get a man to commit murder or treason under hypnosis.  I checked and the quote is at the top of the article on him on Wikipedia.org (accessed 8/30/2012).  Estabrooks is quoted as saying, “I can hypnotize a man—without his knowledge or consent—into committing treason against the United States.”  He also said, “Is hypnosis dangerous? It can be.  Under certain circumstances, it is dangerous in the extreme.  It has even been known to lead to murder.  Given the right combination of hypnotist and subject, hypnosis can be a lethal weapon.”  He also said, “The key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests with splitting a man’s personality, or creating multipersonality, with the aid of hypnotism. . . ..  This is not science fiction. . . . I have done it.”  The quote originated from a newspaper article quoting Dr. Estabrooks.


One respected account of government experiments, from the standpoint of a researcher and survivor is, A Nation Betrayed:  Secret Cold War Experiments Performed On Our Children and Other Innocent People, By Carol Rutz.  She documents experiments on adults and children that have been exposed and admitted, and adds to that her account of experiments on children, including her own account of being experimented upon.  A ten-page summary of the book can be found at: http://www.wanttoknow.info/nationbetrayed10pg.  Ellen Lacter, a Ph.D. psychologist in San Diego, California says of the book:  “A Nation Betrayed is a very important book. It is one of the main sources we have for truly understanding the psychological mechanisms that make mind control programming possible. I recommend it to both researchers in the study of mind control, and to all United States citizens concerned with maltreatment of children and abuses of children and abuses of power by government agencies." Dr. Lacter is the author of: Torture-based Mind Control: Psychological Mechanisms and Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Overcoming Mind Control.  Someone from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City recommended a counselor with experience helping satanic ritual abuse survivors, and she in turn recommended Ellen Lacter and her web site, which in turn recommended Carol Rutz’s book.

I have done a lot of research and could go on and on.  I have read most of the materials I mention and more, including official government record of testimony by the former CIA director before a Senate investigation for their misconduct in these tests.  Unfortunately, given the top-secret nature of the tests, and the scandal involved, the government won’t release the names of the many universities, hospitals, clinics, psychologists and psychiatrists involved.  They also won’t release the names of those they ran illegal or unethical tests on.


It boils down to this—mind control works and the government tested it on unsuspecting people and psychological and occult experts were involved.  The movie, “The Bourne Identity” gives a small picture of what they were after—but it was really people they could control without them even knowing they were being controlled.


Why would they test on children?  A psychiatrist can tell you that a child under age eight is more likely to “dissociate” the memory with dissociative amnesia.  Dissociative amnesia is the first level of suppressing memory.  Like the body goes into shock to not feel the pain of a trauma, the mind does too, and memories too painful to process consciously are suppressed and not remembered, sometimes for decades or forever.  People blank out and can’t remember what happened in a car accident in which a loved one died before their eyes, or a soldier can forget scenes on a battlefield in war, and then have it recovered as flashbacks later in life.  


Beyond dissociative amnesia is a dissociated identity.  That can happen when a child copes with severe or repeated abuse by imagining that the abuse is really happening to someone else, some other little boy or girl with a different name.  It can also happen readily by someone with psychological knowledge deliberately traumatizing a child with the purpose of creating and naming a dissociated identity/personality they intend to control.  Intelligent and imaginative children are more likely to come up with this survival technique on their own.  They dissociate more readily than other children.  That can make them targets of those that know that.  The identity (or personality, as they used to term it) that stores the horrible memory is dissociated from, or separated from, the child’s conscious personality or identity that copes with everyday life.  The child generally does not even know that the other identity exists and contains painful memories.  The person goes on to adulthood, not even knowing the dissociated child identity exists.  However, the subconscious is still affected by the trauma and the memories, even if the person is not aware the abuse has happened to them.


Intelligence agency psychiatrists found a way to take advantage of this, with the help of the Nazis who had no boundaries in what they would do to Jewish children in death camps. They found out that you could easily get a child to create a dissociated personality, give it a name, and start “programming” it to do what you commanded it to do.  But it took trauma—like sexual assault and/or torture.  Once dissociated, a personality could be forcefully “brainwashed” or programmed to do exactly as they were told—using behavior modification under torture.  The U.S. use of “waterboarding” on captured terrorists came out of the MKULTRA studies.  The sense of nearly drowning is effective trauma to control and program people.  Sensory deprivation torture also came out of these studies.  In sensory deprivation torture, they deprive a person of light, sound, touch, etc., and then bombard them with it.  The lack creates extreme sensitivity and then the bombardment is truly torture, but leaves no marks.

Recent History:


Much was said in the 90’s by victims of ritual abuse and their doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, social workers, law enforcement, and ministers.  Authors of deliverance books spoke about helping victims of ritual abuse, and the complexity of their cases, which typically would involve dissociated identities. Rebecca Brown, MD, helped people out of satanic cults and wrote some books about helping them and what the cults did, including human sacrifice and keeping women as “breeders” to provide undocumented babies that could be sacrificed by the cult.


A former cult member, who concedes that the Illuminati was a front group for her cult and allows that term to be used to refer to them, defected and wrote an exposé under a pseudonym.  She became a Christian and exposed the group at the risk of her life, partly to coerce them into releasing her children.  She gave the exposé away free on the Internet.  She also did some interviews and then disappeared for her own family’s safety.  She explained the cult’s goals and methods.  She indicated they are really after a world government they can control and they are using psychological methods and occult methods to work their plans.  She was a leader and a psychological trainer in the cult.  She explained how they achieve mind control and heightened abilities by way of trauma, torture, and psychological and demonic methods.  She performed these things on the children in the cult and on adults raised in the cult.  She says the cult makes up about one percent of the population and that they mind control about another one percent [of people outside the cult] toward reaching their goals.  However, she notes that their people are in positions of wealth and power and have infiltrated government, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, the courts, the media, and the church. She says top Masons are Illuminati and the organizations are hierarchical with local Satanists and Masons reporting up to the Illuminati leadership locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.  She states that the Illuminati are looking toward “the one who is to come” for eventual top leadership and that people at the Vatican are secretly involved at the highest levels of the Illuminati.  (The Greg Szymanski interview mentioned below starts with repeating news about Masons involved at high levels of the Vatican as exposed in the Vatican banking scandal stories in the news previously.)


The defector says the Illuminati also run operations for covert assassinations, pornography (including child pornography), prostitution/human trafficking, and drug smuggling.  She talked of children being trained at the age of eight to shoot expertly and to be able to disassemble and assemble rifles and training in martial arts at very young ages, especially for those chosen to be assassins.  She also states that, “many of the leadership of the Illuminati are blatantly pedophilic and homosexual” and that, “Most of the leadership that I knew were homosexuals in their night personas (myself included) and it was accepted as a lifestyle in that setting, and encouraged.”  (From interview with H.J. Springer, Chief Editor CentrExNews.com in 2000, reported on http://educate-yourself.org/mc/mcsvaliinterviewpt13.shtml, accessed 04/01/2012).  She states that children are regularly sexually abused in the cult.


In the interview with CentrExNews.com, the defector was asked about recruitment of adults into the Illuminati, in places where people might have a higher likelihood of having been abused and therefore readily dissociate.  She replied:


. . . First, normally, the Illuminati do NOT do much recruiting outside their group (other occult groups do, perhaps). They just don't trust outsiders that much. On the rare occasions that they do, it is always a young child who is brought in. A lot of the programming cannot be done after a certain age (8) or it will induce severe trauma or even psychosis in a person who is unable to dissociate adequately. You can create some functional states, but not anything near the complex groupings and abilities that trainers like to see.

. . .

I wasn't involved in any type of recruiting activities, never saw it done.


Some children are brought in from the outside through:  Child pornography rings; these children already dissociate, so they are "stepped up" into the cult; some parents "sell" their children to be used and trained by the cult; some child psychologists are taught to look for very young children. But in my reality, everyone I knew was generational . . . this is how the Illuminati operated in San Diego and Washington, DC. It's possible that some branches in other states do more recruitment than I was exposed to. I have heard survivor stories of children recruiting other children, for example, although it wasn't done in the groups I belonged to.


. . . Addendum: I just want to add that the Illuminati are only one of several occult groups that operate in the North American continent. There are many others, and they may do more recruitment and things that I haven't mentioned. The Illuminists tend to have a more scientific, and military, approach to their programming, whereas other groups operate differently.  (From: http://web.archive.org/web/20030608230107/http://www.centrexnews.com/columnists/svali/2001/01/Q_A01.html, accessed 05/27/2012.)



The defector from the Illuminati became a Christian and felt she needed to make right her sins by exposing the cults activities even at the risk of her life. She then disappeared, having gotten no significant reward for her writing or interviews.  However, the information she provided is still being respected by many and circulated around.  She wrote under the pseudonym, Svali.  Her lengthy radio interview on Investigative Journal with Greg Szymanski on January 17, 2006, is available on www.youtube.com by searching for his name and Illuminati defector interview.  Her book, Breaking the Chain, designed to help counselors know how to understand and help those psychologically programmed by the cult, and articles and transcripts of her interviews are available in various places on the Internet.  One such site was put on the web by a minister who initially helped her with deliverance and kept in touch with her for some time.  Currently, www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/svali_book_svali_speaks#1 has an easy-to-view copy of the book.   


I have read, heard, or viewed other interviews of those formerly in the Illuminati.  I found their testimonies credible.  I also became acquainted with a Christian minister whose family had been in the Illuminati and who knew people all over the country who had come out of the Illuminati, or wanted to come out.  My wife and I communicated with her at length on multiple occasions.   


The debate over repressed memories of satanic ritual abuse was essentially stopped by the media coverage of the “False Memory Syndrome Foundation” and what they called a “false memory syndrome.”  This organization was eventually considered by many to be discredited and exposed as a deliberate cover-up for abusers, pedophiles and psychiatrists that had done work for the CIA, who had a vested interest in denying validity of suppressed memories of abuse or CIA experiments on unsuspecting people. Dr. Colin Ross makes statements supporting this conclusion in his book on ritual abuse.


Dr. Ross points out that some of those claiming that satanic ritual abuse does not exist have ulterior motives and make statements not supported by the data.  He shows that some claiming a "false memory syndrome" instead exists have had apparent ulterior motives in that one board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation advocated pedophilia as "good" in a professional article.  He also states that the founding Ph.D. executive director had her own daughter, also herself now a Ph.D. psychologist, come forward with allegations that she was chronically molested and raped by her father, and that she apparently has substantiating witnesses of his bizarre sexually abusive behavior continuing into her adulthood available.  Basically, Dr. Ross implies that the founder of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation created the foundation and publicized a non-existent "syndrome" to attempt to deflect accusations within her own family—and he had talked personally to all parties (per pages 184-185 of his book, Satanic Ritual Abuse:  Principles of Treatment).


One or more of the highly credentialed doctors on the board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation were exposed as having done CIA funded research such that they may have been involved in the very activities and techniques the CIA wanted to avoid getting publicity.  Psychiatrists and psychologists readily say that the so-called “False Memory Syndrome” was not a recognized psychological condition or phenomenon but was coined by this discredited organization as a cover-up.  At this writing, it is still not recognized as a condition in the psychiatrist’s official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual used worldwide. 


Nevertheless, the media used the promotion of the concept of false memories and the Foundation to give the impression that the debate had been settled.  It is noteworthy that Svali points out that the Illuminati seeks to infiltrate, as well as own, the media, and they particularly try to discredit stories of ritual abuse.  She names some very large and famous media companies as owned or run by the Illuminati.  To corroborate her claim, it is noteworthy that a strategic article entitled, “Who Owns the Media?” and initially published in 1984, exposed that control of the Media, especially in the U.S., was being concentrated in the hands of a few related or linked individuals.  Others have tracked the trend since then and reported it on the Internet and elsewhere.  It has been established that six media companies now dominate the news and entertainment media in this country, down from a hundred and fifty in 1983.  At least two of the names included in the “big six” were named by Svali as Illuminati controlled.


Svali, in speaking of media personnel aligned with the Illuminati, states: 


They will tend to do biased research in their articles, favoring only one viewpoint, such as denying the existence of DID [Dissociative Identity Disorder] or ritual abuse. For instance, they will interview only psychiatrists/psychologists sympathetic to this viewpoint and will skew data to present a convincing picture to the general public. If necessary, they will outright lie or make up data to support their viewpoint. There are members of groups whose people have been purposely trained to try and help formulate public opinion on the nonexistence of the cult (i.e., cults don't exist, no rational person would believe this "mass hysteria"). The Illuminists believe that to control the media is to control the thinking of the masses. For this reason, they take training media personnel quite seriously.  (From her online book, Breaking the Chain, Chapter 2, from https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/svali_book_svali_speaks#2, accessed 3/27/2018.)



Even Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, in its article on satanic ritual abuse (as of 01/28/2013), gives a very slanted and unprofessional view of the topic.  Just as Svali states above, the sources are slanted and the ritual abuse is dismissed as “moral panic” and the word “hysteria” is referenced multiple times.  I have read of a licensed professional counselor with a doctorate putting on the web her debate with Wikipedia’s board over the biased article so as to expose the article as deliberate misinformation ignoring the views of many professionals and available evidence.  (See: http://endritualabuse.org/activism/wikipedia-blacklisted-four-important-websites/ .  Wikipedia has also been exposed by Fox News articles for making pornography accessible to children on Wikipedia, even after two years since the first Fox News article.  (See:  http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/24/why-is-wikipedia-still-doling-out-porn/ ,

accessed 4/28/2012.)  Fox News also ran an article recently saying they were allowing pedophiles to use Wikipedia articles to present pedophilia in a sympathetic way.  (See article: “EXCLUSIVE: Pedophiles Find a Home on Wikipedia”  By Jana Winter, Published June 25, 2010,

From: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/06/25/exclusive-pedophiles-find-home-on-wikipedia/, accessed 4/28/2012).  The article states, “Wikipedia has become home base for a loose worldwide network of pedophiles who are campaigning to spin the popular online encyclopedia in their favor and are trying to lure more people into their world, an investigation by FoxNews.com confirms.”


It becomes apparent that people with an agenda are trying to keep ritual abuse and mind control from being accepted as really happening, and having an agenda that includes putting children at risk to pedophiles and pornography.  Since ritual abuse and mind control are used to repeatedly abuse children and sell them to others without getting caught, this link is natural to the perpetrators.  Wikipedia is written by the general public, with some review by others and the Wikipedia organization, so the quality of articles varies and varies over time for the same topic.  On uncontroversial topics where the historical evidence is irrefutable, it tends to be more reliable.  Wikipedia is often the first encyclopedia consulted by school children for any research project and the encyclopedia most readily available to the general public.  It is available in many languages and has tremendous power to impact public opinion across the world.  If people with an agenda of propaganda and exploitation of children, while denying the existence of the problem and the mechanisms that facilitate it, have gained even significant influence over Wikipedia, much less control, America has a problem and parents need to wake up.  With articles like these exposing the problem and nothing being done, one wonders whose money and influence are behind it.


Dr Ross also points out that the topics of ritual abuse, and repressed memories caused by dissociation, are controversial among psychiatrists.  He notes that a major reason for the controversy is that there is a fundamental shift in the foundational model of psychiatry from considering psychological conditions to be caused by biological causes to being caused by trauma, and this greatly affects the debate on these topics.  He also states, "The data and the sociological reality of the late twentieth-century psychiatry lead to the inescapable conclusion that psychiatrists, by virtue of their training, are not qualified to assess the reality of satanic ritual abuse.  Not only are they inadequately trained concerning sexual abuse in general, they receive no training about destructive cults and learn nothing about the history of religion or Satanism during their residency programs."  (Page 184 of Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment).  Therefore, he makes the well-substantiated claim that most psychiatrists are less qualified to treat it than those in other disciplines—contrary to their public and private disdain for the counselors and social workers who get most of the cases (p.184).  So, it is not hard for the media to find a psychiatrist to discount ritual abuse, including horrific sexual abuse, as a cause of conditions or the validity of such memories.  All the media needs to do to suppress the issue is quote “experts” from only one side of the debate.  However, Dr. Ross’ book on ritual abuse was written in 1995 and the fundamental shift of psychiatry to a trauma-based model has continued.  Additionally, as older psychiatrists, trained under the old biological-cause model, and resistant to staying up with advances in their field, retire, the shift accelerates.    


The Why Question:


Professionals who have dealt with a lot of ritual abuse and mind control survivors have formulated some answers to the why question that inevitably comes to mind.  Why would people do this to others?  What do they hope to gain?  The answer is that they hope to gain power and benefits of some kind.  That benefit comes from controlling others.  We heard the testimony of a ministry that is associated with the International House of Prayer, and that helps girls out of human trafficking, say that they found a strong link between ritual abuse (that establishes mind control) and human trafficking.  They found nearly half of the human trafficking victims had been ritually abused in order to control them, to where they would continue to serve their captors even when they had the opportunity to flee.  A doctor helping many victims and their counselors, Dr. D. Corydon Hammond, Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Utah School of Medicine, stated that the perpetrators of ritual abuse and mind control wanted mind-controlled people to do “prostitution, child pornography, smuggle drugs, engage in international arms smuggling, do snuff films, and all sorts of other very lucrative things.”   (His speech outlining such assertions and his evidence is at http://www.wanttoknow.info/mind_control/mind_control_hypnosis_ritual_abuse , accessed September 28, 2012).  He also noted that he was threatened and felt his life was in danger to expose what he was exposing. After this famous speech he no longer spoke publicly on the topic. 


Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., mentioned above, is another psychologist helping many victims of ritual abuse and mind control, and she reports, “These groups are intricately connected to large underground organized crime groups, and profit from sales of child pornography and snuff films, child prostitution, and international abduction and sales of children and women for sexual exploitation” (www.endritualabuse.org/advocating-for-ritualistically-abused-children/, accessed 03/28/2018).


Dr. Colin Ross, as a secular psychiatrist, does not believe in the existence of demons, even when an identity in a person identifies itself as one.  He does however make a very interesting observation that deserves the attention of Christians.  He states that ". . . the Satanist with multiple personality disorder often has a host personality that is a fundamentalist Christian."  (Satanic Ritual Abuse:  Principles of Treatment, page 32).  Dr. Ross generally refers to his patients as having satanic ritual abuse memories (and forced cult participation) so I believe that may be what he means in his reference to “Satanists” in this quote.  This would potentially mean that many of those seriously afflicted with the impact of satanic ritual abuse are fundamentalist Christians in their conscious or “daytime” personality.  They would not likely be drawn into these cults voluntarily, but rather coerced and traumatized into dissociation and suppression of the memories, and controlled by the cults using techniques the experts have documented including hypnosis, deliberate demonization, or deliberately creating alter/dissociated personalities, etc.


To this observation, I would add a comment from an imminently qualified member of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers, Dr. Tom Hawkins.  My wife and I met him at the Society’s annual conference in 2010.  When we talked with him privately, he stated that satanic groups are targeting ministers’ families.  This was in the context of sharing a testimony of a pastor’s daughter apparently secretly abducted by a satanic cult and traumatized and dissociated to induce amnesia so that the memories did not come to conscious awareness for many years. 


Summary and Conclusion:


In summary, there is a long history of worship of demonic “gods” from biblical times onward.  The worship of those gods involved human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice, in the Bible and over history around the world.  The spread of Christianity pushed back those demonic religions, but some have continued underground to this day.  Mind control has been a part of those religions, through sorcery and witchcraft, as warned against in the Bible.  More recently, it is evident that psychological methods—including hypnosis and dissociation under trauma and torture to create a hidden personality useful to control people and keep secret their activities—has been part of those religions/cults.  Governments have brought in occult practitioners and unscrupulous psychiatrists to develop mind control to use in spying activities and controlling people.  Based on published accounts of witnesses, it appears that occult cults infiltrating government entities were the ones actually running some of the government studies.  Svali stated that she was told by the cult that Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, and others were high-ranking German members of the group and that Himmler (the head of the SS and its death camps) was higher than the other two.  She went on to say, “. . . and Mengele their paid puppet as well, who later worked as a high trainer of the American branch between his periods of hiding in South America” (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/illuminati/svali2_14.htm, accessed 3/28/2018).  Carol Rutz, in her book, A Nation Betrayed, also provides first-hand testimony that Mengele was involved in unscrupulous mind control experiments on children in the U.S. 


While these topics are not often published in popular media, they are accepted among many psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, social workers, pastors, and deliverance ministers.  There are however, recognized and respected books and professional articles on the topics by psychiatrists, psychologists, psychological researchers, and ministers.  The victims themselves have also written books and articles accepted by many.  There is also credible evidence that Christians, and in particular, Christian ministers’ families, have been targeted for ritual abuse and mind control by occult groups—including groups who have infiltrated governments. 


This material is communicated in hopes of informing Christians, such that the truth may set others free and that Christians, and, in particular, ministers and their families, may be protected.  The Church also needs to be made aware of the stated agenda of these occult groups to bring about a world government with the antichrist as its head by engineering upheaval and taking control.  However, most are not ready to grasp or accept the level of control they may have already achieved through mind control and ritual abuse, financial power, and ownership of the media with its power over public opinion and who gets elected or appointed to public office at local, state, and national levels.  Once Christians’ eyes are opened, they will more readily see the agenda of these groups subtly marching forward, year after year.


© Copyright 2021 by Andrew G. Hadden.  Permission is hereby granted to copy and repost or otherwise distribute this document, or an accurate translation of it, in its entirety.