Correcting End Times Scenarios

(Blog 0008



God had me watch the Left Behind trilogy of movies, about the end times, and said he would correct the scenarios presented.  He said “I will straighten it out.  Listen and write.”  Then over a number of nights, as we watched the movies at intervals, God did say a lot correcting the scenarios presented.  I appreciate the value of the series in getting people to think about the end times and be familiar with the scriptures on the subject.  I also appreciate that there are many possible fulfillments of the scriptures on the end times and the writers had to decide what to present out of those options.  Eventually, God made it clear that he wanted me to share in this blog what he said about the end times in relation to those movies.    


The Rapture Scenario


The first movie concentrates on the “rapture,” where all the Christians disappear suddenly from the earth and those left behind have to deal with driverless cars and pilotless airplanes crashing and wondering what happened to cause all those people to suddenly vanish – before anything bad happens in a way people associate with the end times, the apocalypse.  Here is what Christ said to me about that scenario and more:


What was it?  Everyone disappearing – to safety, instantly.  Won’t happen.  Won’t happen.  Not that way.  What will happen?  My people migrating to Israel for safety, and it getting bigger and bigger.  It will expand to my borders, in scripture, and beyond.  Others will lose.  Judgments on them, blessings on my people – Christians and Jews – Christian Jews.  I will defend them – there – national borders protected, by me.


Those spread across the nations?  I will protect them too, but it will be more difficult.  I will punish those that afflict, persecute, my people.  That is my defense – judgment for persecution.  It will be intense, serious.  They will learn not to afflict, persecute my people.  They will learn to let them go – like Pharaoh learned, and Egypt learned – army destroyed, crops destroyed, firstborn slain.  They will learn.  Gather my people from the nations, welcome them – to Israel.


Interpretation Keys


Then Christ had more to say about the end times in general, and the interpretation of the scriptures on the end times:   


Seven – important number.  It means “completion,” “completion,” – always has, always will.  I speak symbolically – when I want to.  It keeps my word, its interpretation, in my control – injects mystery, dependency on me.  I want my people dependent on me. 


Days – my days – means what?  Days.  Days.  I do day counts.  Count up the days, they do mean years – three-hundred-sixty-day years.  Plagues, judgments, woes – more symbolic in numbering.  Seven means completion there. 


What more?  Keys to understanding.  There are several.  First:  What does my word say – elsewhere?  Scripture interprets scripture.  Good principle.  Works most of the time.  Symbols used elsewhere, and explained, probably apply.  There are exceptions, some exceptions – to be careful of.  It is not an ironclad rule. 


Another key – is that I use standard imagery:  light and darkness, good and evil, the abyss and the heavens, sources of good and evil, locations.  Mount Hermon – the gates of Hell, surrounding locations, geographic references tied to history.  Fallen angels or beings, watchers, entered there.  People knew that.  It was a common reference people understood – evil tied to the north, supernatural evil. 


Another key – exaggeration.  Judgments are exaggerated in their descriptions.  It is a way of saying “severe.”  That is how Jewish culture communicated.  “All the earth” is not necessarily all, every place, no exceptions.  They were not scientific, precise, in their descriptions – but they understood one another.  Jews exaggerated as a literary technique, understood by all.  All does NOT always mean “all” literally, precisely, scientifically. 


Cultures make language to fit them, their ways, their understandings.  Modern Western, scientific, culture is not the same.  It is not dishonest for a culture to communicate in ways they understood, but modern man may not.  Scholars can help, studying surrounding cultures, other literature in the same culture.  I spoke within their culture, their way of speaking, and understanding.  Don’t judge me for communicating effectively to my audience.  Understand the culture and you will understand the language, the references – they are intertwined, inseparably.  Learn the culture to learn the language.  Tell my people, across the world, to help them understand – “all” may not be a precise reference to “all” the way they see it.  And, there are other ways to say “all” and they may need to be understood similarly. 



Understanding Judgment



Later the same day, God had more to say relevant to the end times:


What next?  You need to understand judgement.  I don’t see it the way you do, those around you do.  It is not the terrible thing you see it to be.  It is discipline on mankind.  I discipline the group.  Man is eternal.  His life on earth is not.  All die.  All life is of limited duration.  EVERYONE dies.  At some point they die.  How terrible is it if it ends early, their life?  It is a percentage reduction in the time they are given, and they do not know the time they are given in the first place.  Some live a short while.  It is all they need.  It is not terrible to leave this life early.  For many it is to get to a much better life, existence, than here.  Is that bad?  Is it bad to get great reward and a wonderful existence early?  Is that bad?  Think on it.  Is that bad?  NO IT IS NOT. 


My people dying early is not punishment in many cases.  It can be, if they won’t listen.  I shorten the lives of those interfering with my work.  I don’t necessarily cast them in Hell – unless they deserve it.  How do they deserve it?  Blatant sin.  Deliberate knowing disobedience.  Lack of care for others – wanton selfishness that costs others.  Then I will remove salvation and give them what they deserve.  They act more like Satan – they can go be with him, the behavior they have persistently chosen. 


The Antichrist versus the Horseman on the White Horse:


Some days later, after we had been led to watch the second movie in the Left Behind trilogy, Tribulation Force, God had more to say:


It’s not right, no “conqueror” – “conquerors” – it means war and conquest, all over, the symbol of the first horseman, on the white horse.”  (The movie said it was the Antichrist). 


What else?  What other symbols?  Who is the Antichrist?  Who is he?  I’ll show you.  He is coming, unexpected by man.  What is he?  A man of sin.  A schemer.  A usurper.  Overthrow from within, that’s how he works.  Overthrow from within.  He will do it again and again, building his empire – by overthrow from within.  He will use agents, assistants, people chosen to serve him and be rewarded – when overthrow comes.  They will rule, the assistants.  His rule comes later, when they bow the knee to him publicly.  He rules in secret – now.  That’s how he rules now, in secret, with oaths of allegiance and promised reward – total control, taking what they want – from anyone.  Women, daughters seized and used.  Lands, companies, properties seized for their own [agents], who they want to promote and reward, building an empire from within.  Promotion by assassination and intimidation and seizure.  Seizing all they desire, whomever they desire, spreading and spreading.  Countries going under, in a wave, from within.  Got it?  That’s how it will happen, subterfuge, happening even as we speak, building toward a climax – Babylon falling . . . to the Beast, by subterfuge.” 


New Israel


Later, we watched the final movie in the “Left Behind” trilogy, World at War.  I heard nothing on it afterwards or the next day.  The third movie had the Beast in charge of the U.N., or “global community,” but then also seizing all nuclear weapons, etc., and attacking.  Also killing Christians, even by spreading plague through Bibles they allowed to be taken (after collecting them).  To this Christ said:


Not so, different picture.  It will not be like they show it.  What will it be?  You will see.  Many nations aligned against you, against New Israel.  I will defend, protect, punish.  They will learn.  I protect my people.  Separation, self-sufficiency, that will be the goal, getting what you need within your own borders, not vulnerable to others for supply.  The world will grow evil, very evil, worthy of punishment, judgment, annihilation.  Some better than others, but evil will be the rule. 


When I later thought of these things God had spoken, God said, “They need to know,” and eventually indicated to post them on my blog.  I urge you, search the scriptures for yourselves.  These things will stand up.  

© Copyright 2021 by Andrew G. Hadden.  Permission is hereby granted to copy and repost or otherwise distribute this document, or an accurate translation of it, in its entirety.